IKEA is one of my favorite stores to visit when it comes to great minimalistic and Scandinavian baskets. Not only are they great looking but they are also long lasting. Their quality, good style and affordable price makes them to an obvious choice when I’m looking for new baskets to my timeless Scandinavian home.
Before you buy any baskets, I would advise you to analyse where the baskets will be located and what will be in the baskets. Sometimes we buy items without understanding the size of the space or the colours and shapes that are already your home. Therefore, I would advise to do some research on IKEA’s webpage and analyse how the baskets would work with what you already have in your home.
I’ve in this blogpost listed my favorite baskets and how they might fit in your home. I hope you enjoy it.

This basket is one of the newer additions to the basket collection at IKEA. The colour is a warm brown or tan and will work well in a room with whites, blacks, but also colours like blues, greens and yellows. A perfect living room basket to have blankets in.

Tating is also a new addition to the IKEA basket collection. This basket is a bit cooler in colour and might work better with colours that have greys in them. A great basket to have magazines in.

Snidad is a basket that has been in the IKEA collection for some years now, but it’s still one of the most popular baskets. What’s key with this basket is what you store in it will be very visible. Fabrics and textiles are a good idea to fill it with. It could therefore be a great addition to a laundry room.

Lustigkurre is a basket made out of seagrass where you are able to hide a bit more of your mess than in a Snidad. This is a brilliant basket for toys or smaller items that you want to store out if the way and not make it too visible.

The Åsgrunden basket is a brilliant basket to add to a room if you have a lot of greys in the room. The grey string makes it easier to blend with grey and cool colours you might have already have in your home.

If you a knitter, then you should really check out Byholma. A perfect basket to have yarn in. I also think the basket could look really well with having napinks or candles in. A real classic.

If you have kids or have a home office that needs some organisation, then Dragan is a great basket to add to your home. A brilliant item to use to stationaries and crayons.

Komplement is a great basket to add to a wardrobe that needs some tidying and organisation. They are soft and minimalistic and perfect if you want to “Marie Kondo” your home.

Nordrana is great small baskets to add to a bathroom. They can be used to store shampoos, soaps or other hygienic items. They are light weight and can be hanged up on a hook on the wall.

Lustigkurre is a minimalistic basket that works well for linen and bedding. The basket is black and of metal and works well in a room with a more masculine style.

Tjillevips is a soft basket that can be used with a lot of the IKEA storage shelves. The basket brings a soft look to a home and work well with warm browns and beiges, greens and yellows.

Råvaror is a storage item that is brilliant to use in a kitchen or in a crafts room. The wood makes it easy to paint and put your own identity on it.

Purrplinga is a fabric basket great for smaller items. It can be used in the bathroom, a storage room or in a cloakroom. A perfect basket to use to store smaller umbrellas or gloves.

Flådis is a very affordable basket that is one of the most popular IKEA baskets. It’s a great item for blankets, but can also be used as a plant pot. It’s also easy to paint it and change it up.

Bullig is a basket like Tjillevips that fits well with shelves from IKEA. It’s made by bamboo and is of a more harder fabric. It’s a great item to store papers or tech items and would work well in a home office.
Which one is your favorite and what would you use it to store?
For more IKEA inspiration, check out my blog post on Boho style at IKEA