Good morning all. It’s the first week of December and finally November is over. I’ve always found November to be a bit of a challenge to get through, even as a child. November is hard to live through when you live in the north of Europe. Suddenly the world goes dark, the sunlight fades and the storms set in. It’s like the rain will never end.
To lighten my mood, I decided to be a bit creative and do an IKEA Hack. I love seeing bar carts and bar trays on Pinterest and on Instagram. I love the idea of having a home that is always ready to entertain.
Since bar trays sometimes can be a bit dull or quite expensive, I decided to change the look and use of a utensil tray from IKEA to a bar tray. I wanted it to have a mix of traditional, Scandinavian and a bit of glam. I am really pleased with the result!

The easiest way to explain how I did this IKEA Hack, is probably to watch the video I recored while working on the project. You can find the video here:
I started with the IKEA Variera tray. Variera is made out of bamboo and comes in many shapes and forms. I decided to go with the version that has two containers attached together.

I started taping the tray with masking tape to mark out the areas for painting. In my case, I wanted the tray to look like a backgammon board game with tall triangles facing each other. I made sure to tape around the shape first, then tape the “backgammon” pattern after.

After this, I used gold spray paint and covered the areas that I had not covered with tape. I made sure it dried properly before touching the paint.
Then, I painted the top border in a soft white. I used a normal wall paint in this project, but you can probably also use hobby paint if it is thick enough.

After the paint had dried, I removed all the masking tape carefully. I made sure to use a sharp scissor around the edges of the pattern to remove any spills.

The remaining part was to style the tray with some glasses and bar equipment. The project took maybe 2-3 hours and is a great way of to customise an interesting accessory for your interior.
Have you ever tried to “hack” an IKEA item?