It’s only three weeks to Christmas and 2 weeks to we return to Norway. The holiday season is the time of the year where time seems to go slower, technology disappears for a short while and bring people together. It’s all about the people we are in the room with and less with the people we are and talk to online.
I always look forward to Christmas Eve and to finally be around the table again with the family. It’s the day of the year where finally all the silver wear and fine china comes out of the dark corners of our cupboards and into the light.
I love seeing the table setting for Christmas for the first time. To make your table even memorable, here are some ideas of what you can add to your table:

1. Decorate beyond the table.
To make a table really stand out – think outside the space of the table. You can decorate the chairs, the floor, the entrance or even above the table. The picture above is an example of decoration beyond the table with decorating above the table.

Fairy Lights by Neptune
Fairy lights above the table is a perfect way of decorating beyond the table. These ones from Neptune has a really since light and goes on battery so you don’t need to plug it in somewhere.

Basic Table Setting
2. Impress with proper table setting rules.
A table can quickly look more sophisticated if you know the rules to a formal table setting. A couple of rules to remember is that the knife is to always face the plate. The napkin is going next to the fork or on the plate. Bread and butter knife is optional, but if added should be placed on the bread plate, over to the left.

Formal Table Setting
3. Bring some fun to the table.
In England, Christmas crackers is a part of the traditional Christmas table. In Norway, we do not have them (except the small ones on the “kransekake”). I love this idea of brining a bit of fun and excitement into the table. It’s a great way to start the party.

Christmas Crackers from Meri Meri
If you dose’t have access to Christmas Crackers or if it’s another season of the year, you can always add a gift to all at the table. It doesn’t need to be big or expensive – it’s more about creating excitement.

What are your ideas to make a table to remember?