Spring is around the corner and you might feel like your home is overdue for an update. Making your home ready for spring is a great way in welcoming the new season, a season of new beginnings. There are many steps you can do to make make your home ready for spring; cleaning, organizing, re-arranging and decorating. We will in this post cover 6 key steps to make your home ready for spring.
1. New beginnings and new systems
Spring is the perfect time to get rid of items in your home that is not serving you. Start with emptying all the drawers and cupboards that have been filling up with unknown items and papers. Create 3 piles, one for trowing, one for give away and one for items to keep. Make sure that you are strict with what you are keeping. Ask yourself if you actually need it or if you could survive without it. Less clutter in your home will give more clarity in your mind.
2. Make a cleaning plan
Spring is the perfect time to have your big home clean. But sometimes can a big clean feel overwhelming. You might feel like you will not have time for it all. The key is therefore to get an overview of what’s needed and then make them into smaller tasks you can tick off within 30 min. Try to make your cleaning plan as detailed as possible and give yourself a time limit for every bullet point on the list. This will enable you to keep you going even though you will need to divide the spring clean over many days.

3. Priortize your windows
Going from winter to spring will make an impact to the light in your home and what you can see. It is when spring arrives that you suddenly realize how dirty your windows are. Therefore, make sure that cleaning your windows both on the inside and outside are added to your cleaning list. If you wash your windows once a year, then this is the time to do it. Check out this article if you need some help in how to clean your windows properly.
4. Re-arrange your furniture
Another way to freshen up your home is to re-arrange your furniture. Moving furniture can give you another perspective to your home and bring a new type of energy to the space. Why not swap around on where the sofa is placed or change up which room is used to what, like swapping the dining room into the living room. But before you start moving around on furniture, make some measurements of the items/furniture and the space. This will save you a lot of time further down the line and reduce any mistakes.

5. Add light and airy fabric
A great way to make your home ready for spring is to change up the fabric in your home. Remove dark and heavy fabrics, like velvet and wool and replace it with linen and cotton in light colors. Try to do this to your curtains, throws, pillow covers and other items with fabrics you have in your home. This will enable the spring air to really fill the room and reduce the amount of dust that is easier to see when spring arrives.
6. Add Spring flowers
Spring is also the time to finally add some seasonal decor again. You can never go wrong with adding flowers at spring, especially in bright colors like yellow, pink and purple. Tulips and daffodils works amazingly when you want to welcome spring into your home. Another great idea is to cut off some branches from a tree in your garden or in the forest and put them in a vase filled with water. You can even do it before the leaves has sprung. Then you will experience the magic of spring firsthand in your living room.

These are our 6 quick tips of how to your home ready for Spring, it is all about allowing that spring air and light to fill your home.
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