Are you a person that loves easy home projects but also follows amazing accounts on social media that transforms their house from an ugly looking house to a home that could be in an interior magazine? Do you feel overwhelmed by the skillset and tools required to do the same as them? Then you are not alone. Transforming a home can feel overwhelming and daunting. It will normally require a lot of tools and equipment that not everyone have.
Therefore, We have collected a list of easy home projects that you don’t need fancy equipment and can be finished over a weekend. Staring small is sometimes the greatest way to start improving your apartment/house into a home.
1. Changing your door knobs and handles
If your home looks a bit dated and you really want a facelift of your home, then an easy thing to do over the weekend is to change your door knobs or handles in your home. The only thing you normally need is a screw driver to get the work done. There is so many different door knobs and handles to choose from and they come in a large range of different prices. You can also change knobs and handles on cabinets and drawers. Just remember to be aware of the measurements. You might need to create new screw holes to make it work.
2. Add new curtains
Another great easy home project that does not take much time or tools, is to change up your curtains. Make sure that you measure your windows before you go looking for new curtains so you make sure to get the right width and length. This will save you a lot of headache with getting this right straight away. Make sure that the colors are blending well with the colors already in the room for a cohesive look.
An example is to use the same color as the sofa in the room, or the rug, or the pillows. You do not want to add a completely new color to the room, unless you are doing other changes to the room as well.
3. Install new lighting
Adding new ceiling light or new wall light is a brilliant and easy home project to make your home feel more luxurious. With todays technology, you do not need an electrician to make it happen. You can just add a rechargeable light bulb to the lamp and cut off any cords. A perfect place to add a wall light, is over your bedside table, a reading corner or in a hallway. Celling light is perfect to add over a table, small or large.
4. Revamp old furniture with some paint
Do you have furniture in your home that you have gotten a bit bored of? Or you have seen something on FB Marketplace that as great potential? Then why not try to paint it? The only thing you will need is some sand paper to sand it down and prime it for a lick of paint, then you are ready to go! The item might need more than one coats, so make sure that you put off enough time for it to dry between the coats of paint.
5. Add a gallery wall to your home
Many people are guilty of bare walls with no decorations. It tends to be the last item on the list when someone move into a new home. Adding a gallery wall can therefore be a great way to make a home look finished and put together and it does not require much. Have a look around in your home for items that means a lot for you, it does not necessary need to be photos. It can me invites, diplomas, letters, paintings and other items you have collected over the years. A gallery wall is a perfect opportunity to show your identity and memories that makes you smile.
6. Paint your wallpaper with a stencil
Want to make your painted wall a bit more unique and stylish? Then using a stencil to paint some decorations yourself might be a good idea. Try to use the stencil to emulate an old fashion wallpaper, that will make it look the most classy and tasteful. And try to avoid text. Using a stencil to look like a wallpaper might take a bit of time, so I would recommend to do this in a smaller room, like a power room or a boot room. This example from Claire Sullivan is a brilliant way of doing it.
7. Revamp an old table lamp
Sometimes, it can be difficult to find a good looking table lamp to an affordable price. It can therefore be a brilliant idea and easy home project to do something with one of the table lamps you already have. You can update the base with some paint or decoupage. If you want some texture to the lamp for more of a rustic look, you can try to add some plaster to the base. You can also change the lamp with changing the lampshade. You can change up the fabric, paint on the existing fabric or add some trim to the bottom of the lampshade. It’s a brilliant way to add some character to your home.

8. Paint your front door
Another painting job that is great to do over the weekend, is to paint your front door in a new color. Start the process with cleaning the surface of the door, thereafter continue with sanding the door before you add your first coat of paint. It might take two or three coats to make the color perfect, depending on which color your are going for and what’s underneath.
9. Organize a bookshelf
Organizing a bookshelf can be an easy way to make a change to your home. Normally, shelves can look busy and like a dumping ground for different items. You should therefore start with removing everything in the bookshelf and start all over again. Try to keep an eye of how many colors you are allowing back on the self and try to group items in height, size and shape. The key is to allow items to breathe between each grouping.
10. Add a new rug
Adding a new rug to a room, can really soften a look of a home, even when there are carpets there already. A rug can pull different furniture together and group them in a way that makes the home look more pulled together. Try to add rugs that works with the color palette already in the room, and make sure that the rug is large enough for the area. A sofa or a bed should for example be fully standing on a rug.

11. Change up furniture
Sometimes, just swopping furniture between rooms can be a great way to revamp to a home. Why not bring one of the chairs from the living room into the bedroom and create a reading nook that you can have just by yourself before bed? Or you can move light from the bedroom into the hallway for a softer look. Everything is allowed to try out, because you can always move it back.
12. Organize your closet
A perfect weekend, can be to stay far inside your closet walking down memory lane while you are letting go of items you no longer use. A closet clean out is a perfect home project at spring and autumn when the seasons are changing and your wardrobe needs an update too. Try to form three piles, keep, maybe and give/sell. And yes, it is allowed to keep a few pieces just to be saved but never to be used again (or maybe someone will one day?)
13. Improve your hallway
The hallway is an easy forgotten space in your home, even though we spend time there every day. It’s your homes first impression and a brilliant place to make a statement. Try to add a console table, a rug, a place to hang a coat and top it off with a diffuser or a candle and some flower. Spending some time improving your hallway will definitely make your Monday more enjoyable.
Check out this post if you want to learn more about decorating hallways: How to design a dream hallway
14. Create a recycling station
More and more households around the world have the opportunity to recycle trash. Making it easier to recycle, will save you time when the normal workday arrives again. Add some buckets or baskets to a kitchen, mudroom or a storage room and label them with different content. This will help you to remove trash quickly and make a home cleaner looking. A easy home project for the weekend to do.
15. Deep clean your bathroom
A properly cleaned bathroom can be a perfect way on improving your mood. Make sure to go behind items and visible surfaces to get that proper clean feeling. Remove dust from all surfaces and open up drains. Brush every inch of the sink, toilet and bathtub/shower. Finish it off with a candle and new towels.
Check out the post How to decorate a bathroom if you want even more inspiration.
16. Paint an abstract painting
Seen an abstract and textured painting online, but don’t want to pay for it? It might be possible to make it yourself. Start with measuring the wall you want it hanged on, then buy a canvas with a size that fits that area. A painting consisting of neutrals (black, white, beige, grey) is a great place to start when copying a painting. Remember not to rush and take your time.
17. Tidy wires and cables
If you want your home to look put together, then try to reduce the amount of cables and wires that are visible. You can for example but your internet router in a rattan basket. Or you can bundle you wires with a ribbon or string. The key is to reduce the attention it is drawing. IF you struggle to see it, then take a photo of a room, it might be easier to see the wires and cables that making noise through this process.
18. Orginize kitchen cupboard
Where things are in the kitchen are sometimes completely random and perhaps not in the most efficient place when cooking. Orginizing the cupboards based on access to what you need the most will make you save a lot of time later in life. Try to also store items that you usually not use somewhere else, like Christmas items or special baking trays.
19. Deep clean fridge and de-ice freezer
Another great home project you can do over the weekend is to deep clean the fridge with removing all the expired food, cleaning it all down and orginizing the food left in different boxes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. de-icing the freezer can also be a good idea, you can at the same time stock up on creative ice cubes filled with fruits, mints and berries
20. Tidy makeup and wash brushes
Another home project over a weekend is tidying up in makeup and wash brushes. Remove items that has expired long ago and mascaras that has dried up. Orginize the items by areas, like eyes, lips and skin and make sure that your everyday staples is easy
Another home project over a weekend is tidying up in makeup and wash brushes. Remove items that has expired long ago and mascaras that has dried up. Orginize the items by areas, like eyes, lips and skin and make sure that your everyday staples is easy accessible. Wash makeup brushes with shampoo and water and let them dry.
. Wash makeup brushes with shampoo and water and let them dry.
21. Orginize seasonal decor
A great home project to do, is to have a look and tidy up seasonal decor in storage. It will give you an overview before the season arrives of any gaps you want to fill when it comes to decoration. A tidy seasonal decor in storage will also making your life easier when the season arrives to start decorating quickly and efficiently.
These were my top 21 easy home projects to do over a weekend to make your home to a place you want to stay and recharge. What are your favorite weekend projects to do?
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