It’s spring and finally time to do some spring decoration or even renovation! I love getting a home ready for spring and I’ve always related this time of year with the occasional trip to IKEA. This is usually to check out their stylish, but also affordable interior furniture. Since this spring it is more difficult to venture outside, my trip to IKEA will be a virtual one to IKEA.com. IKEA has thousands upon thousands of items, so to make it easier for you; here are my favourites from IKEA.com for spring 2020.
My Wishlist for IKEA 2020
Want to check out more affordable Home Items? Check out my 2020 Amazon Must Haves
Do you like to see more of what’s going on in my life, my latest IKEA favorites and decorating my coastal Scandinavian home? Check out my Instagram page where I post about interior, home decor and small magical moments from my life between Norway and England.
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All pictures belong to IKEA